Chess Digital Twin

In AI, digital twin refers to virtual or digital replicas of physical objects, people, processes, or systems that help businesses make model-driven decisions. In the domain of chess can serve as a powerful tool for a human player aiming to elevate their game. This virtual replica of the player’s style, strategies, and moves can provide … Read more

AI Chess Profiler (CPLM)

In the late 80s, Chessbase changed a chess professional’s workflow in that he or she needed to study the opponent – their opening preference, their latest choice variation etc. It was an essential preparation tool. Of course, chess masters still did that in the past by getting bulletins, Informators, magazine to sift thru their opponent … Read more

is Gukesh the exception?

Grandmaster D. Gukesh, despite being one of the top players, is often noted for his intuitive and natural play style. While it’s common for grandmasters to heavily rely on technology for preparation, Gukesh’s approach is somewhat different. The following video shows that he doesn’t even have a dedicated PC of his own!!  He emphasizes understanding … Read more

Seconds anybody?

A “chess second” refers to a person or a group of people who support a professional chess player, especially during tournaments12. These are some of their key responsibilities: In essence, chess seconds are a necessary force behind truly successful super grandmasters, providing a supporting role that is crucial to a player’s success. My previous thoughts … Read more

AI Chess Coach

Scenario: A chess player leaves the playing hall and calls someone on his phone. Student: Hey Coach, I just lost my game in the tournament. It was a tough match, and I think I blundered in the middlegame. AI Chess Coach: I’m here for you. Losing is part of learning. Can you send me the … Read more

How much FIDE charges to have a tournament rated?

Please take note this is not a definitive answer. It may not even be true because it’s from ChatGPT 4.0. However, it does look valid. Tell me if there is anything wrong in the following: PROMPT: FIDE charges a fee to have a tournament rated. How much is that? ChatGPT 4,0 answer: To answer your … Read more

Which type are you?

FIDE has added some points to the ratings of players below 2000 to combat rating deflation and make the system more fair. However, not all players have the same attitude towards this change. There are mainly four types: So, which category do you belong to? How do you feel about your new rating and how … Read more

Increase rating. What now?

FIDE recently gave every rated players below ELO 2000 a rating boost. What exactly is this and why did FIDE do this:WHAT IS THIS? These changes are designed to enhance the accuracy of the rating system and provide a fairer representation of players’ abilities. 🌟👑 . Impact on Players: Approximately 85% of rated players fall below the 2000 … Read more