How much to broadcast with idChess

In the past, to broadcast chess games live online there is only one choice – use DGT boards. But now we have alternatives like idChess which are cheaper than those expensive RM 3000-5000 chess boards and a nightmare of wires to be taped down and hidden as much as possible. Let’s say I want to … Read more

Tiny spy cam for chess

No. Not for any nefarious intent but chess broadcasting. Why tiny? Because something like below is too obstrusive (and I have done it before). I was particularly impressed with how tiny the camera was in the recent Candidates tournament in Toronto, Canada. It made the setup less cluttered compared to other high level chess competitions … Read more

Malaysian Chess Festival 2024 is back!

The 19th IGB Malaysian Chess Festival will be back from the September 12 to 23, 2024. It’s the biggest chess event in Malaysia as one of the major tournaments of the year in South East Asia. Like in previous years, there will be a potpourri of events – nine in total. All category of chess … Read more

Learning Bytes

I am surprised at how much I think I have learnt from YouTube videos of Gotham Chess and Sagar Shah when they navigate and narrate top level chess games which I would never have come close to understanding the nuances and the ideas of certain moves or maneuvers. Perhaps that is the attraction of such … Read more