Which type are you?

FIDE has added some points to the ratings of players below 2000 to combat rating deflation and make the system more fair. However, not all players have the same attitude towards this change. There are mainly four types: So, which category do you belong to? How do you feel about your new rating and how … Read more

Key moments of Helen-Jax game – commented by AI (Google Gemini)

[FEN “r1bqkb1r/pppp1ppp/2n2n2/1N2d4/3P4/B2P1B2/P3PP1P/RNBQK2R w KQkq – 0 20”] While Black’s gambit offered dynamic chances, it also meant their king remained undeveloped. In this crucial position, White could have pushed for further positional advantage with 20. Nd3, maintaining pressure on the center and Black’s kingside. However, 20. Kf1 allowed Black to consolidate and activate their pieces with … Read more

Penang Open 2023: After 2 rounds

After defeating 15-year-old CM Benjamin Leong in less than 20 minutes in his Round 2 match, top seed GM Priasmoro Novendra easily maintained a perfect 2 points. Priasmoro will play veteran IM Angelo Young in Round 3 tomorrow morning. On board 2, the second seed, GM Ziaur Rahman, will meet up with the promising young … Read more

WFM Altantuya Boldbaatar leads Eastern Asia Juniors and Girls Chess Championship 2023 after 6 rounds

WFM Altantuya Boldbaatar leads Eastern Asia Juniors and Girls Chess Championship 2023 after 5 rounds scoring 5.5 points. WFM Altantuya Boldbaatar had 5 wins, 1 draws and 1 loss. Wins include games against-Likoh Katherine Samantha-WCM Liuviann Cecilia Natalie-Canino Ruelle–WFM Edithso Samantha-Villa Ma. Elayza and draws against-WFM Singgih Diajeng Theresa and loss against-WCM Chua Jia-Tien A … Read more